Deliveries & On Farm Pick Up

We deliver to addresses within the city limits in Livingston, Bozeman, Four Corners, Belgrade, and Big Sky. If you live far outside of downtown Bozeman (>10 miles), please inquire before placing an order

We deliver every Tuesday and you have the option to select the delivery date at check out. Your order will be delivered between 8am and 8pm, though orders are usually delivered by the afternoon. You do not need to be home. Please leave a cooler out for us.

Place your order and at check out, choose
"On Farm Pick Up". You will be given a selection of dates and times to choose from. When your order is ready for pick up (on pick up day), you will get an email that will contain directions to the farm and our pick up cooler. We are located 4 miles northwest of downtown Livingston.

We are not currently able to accommodate this. We have limited cooler space and truck space, and the markets can be really busy. However, we usually have good stock at the market, so ordering ahead isn't necessary.

The most common reasons for a failed check out are because you are outside of our delivery area or your order does not meet the $100 home delivery minimum.

Shipping questions

If you live outside of Park & Gallatin Counties, you can place an order to be shipped to your house. Head to the "Send me a box of chicken!" section of our website to choose from available options.

We are not currently shipping pork or eggs. We may add pork to the shipping options this spring.

We will pack your order in an insulated box with dry ice and it will only take 24-48 hours to reach you. Your meat should still be well-frozen. If there is still dry ice in the box, do not touch it with bare hands. It will evaporate on its own.

We have built shipping into the cost of your box, so there is NO extra shipping charge!

Product questions

Everything we produce is listed on our online store. Some items, such as organs, may be out of stock. We are commonly asked if we have chicken feet, chicken livers, etc. If it's on our online store, we have it. If it's not, we don't!

We can occasionally accommodate special requests for chickens, such as heads. However for pork we work with outside butchers and cannot get things like heads or trotters because they do not provide them. If we don't have it on our online store, chances are we can't get it.

We are not a certified organic operation. We aim to be transparent about our processes and believe "organic" is a term that has become a bit diluted. Did you know that Costco chickens that are raised in confinement barns with tens of thousands of chickens in each barn, unable to move can be labeled "organic"? We believe raising our animals outside, allowing them to express their natural behaviors, feeding them locally sourced, corn and soy free feed, and not using any prophylactic antibiotics or medications is more important than an organic label. If any of our breeder pigs get sick -- they can get pneumonia with weather swings, or mastitis after having piglets -- we will medicate them appropriately with antibiotics so they don't die. Our chickens never receive any medications, though we do occasionally deworm our laying flock to keep them healthy. Our pigs are regularly dewormed as well. Our piglets receive a single dose of a vaccine for pneumonia, because we would rather do that than face the decision of whether to give them antibiotics or let them die later on. In Montana, with our crazy weather swings and never-ending-winter, it is a risk our pigs face.

So, the short answer is "no, we are not organic," but the longer answer is there are additional questions to ask.

I currently milk 3 cows and sell raw A2A2 milk. However, we do not sell milk on the website and you cannot order it online. We have milk subscriptions that are currently full and also have milk available at the farmers markets. The best way to stay up to date on milk availability and other farm happenings is to sign up for our emails.

We are always at the farmers markets. We might miss 1 market per year, but try really hard not to. You can count on us being there. Here is the farmers market schedule.

Farm Questions

Yes! We host a community Open Farm Day every spring. The best way to stay up to date about farm happenings is by signing up for our emails and following us on social media. Because we are a real-life working farm, we do not have time to give individualized tours or have folks drop by. We often do not have an extra 30 minutes in our day, and getting off track can have real consequences. Thank you for understanding and we hope you can join us for our next Open Farm Day!

We are 4 miles from downtown Livingston, Montana. From downtown Livingston, it takes about 10 minutes to get to the farm on a county maintained dirt road.

We have 2 new, modern, bright & clean cabins on the farm that we use as short term rentals. They can sleep up to 4 people each and have breathtaking views of the mountains. While we cannot give farm tours to guests because we're always working and guests do not have unlimited access to the farm, it can be a great way to take in the peaceful setting and get a glimpse of the day to day at the farm!

See our rentals

We are only allowed to slaughter and process poultry that we own and raise. We do not do any outside poultry processing. We recommend contacting the Montana Poultry Growers Co-op for poultry processing resources.